
Roleplay Session DC area July 2024

I first discovered Miss Rachel while fooling around on Twitter (X) in the Fall of 2023. I may have been looking for any disciplinarians nearby or those residing within reasonable driving distance. I was disappointed to see that she was based in Austin, TX, since that was much too far to drive, and due to the fact that I had been in Austin earlier in the year for a conference and hadn’t even been aware of her. However, I saw on her website that she did some traveling and would be in the DC area in December, so I sent her an email to find out if she had any openings in her schedule.

Miss Rachel responded very quickly and sent me a time that she had available and a questionnaire for me to complete before finalizing my appointment. I started to work on the questionnaire and tried to figure out if I could get the time off to meet her availability. But I procrastinated a bit too long in completing these tasks, and at some point, felt that it was too late, that it was likely the time she had provided was no longer available. Rather than write her back and explain that I would not be able to make the appointment, I did nothing, essentially ghosting her.

I continued, on occasion, to check out her Twitter and website and saw earlier this year that she was going to be in DC again in July. I wasn’t sure how she would respond to me after that disappearing act, but I wrote my apology and sent her the completed questionnaire. To my surprise, she was still willing to consider me, and we scheduled a session. I guess she hears from a lot of people who ultimately flake out, but I was grateful that she was willing to overlook my behavior and give me the chance to receive a spanking from her.

In my answer to her questionnaire, I suggested a role-play scenario involving an angry wife and a series of incomplete or otherwise neglected chores that would each be punished with a different implement (brushes, paddles, straps, etc.). Miss Rachel agreed to this scenario, and when I sent her a list of the types of chores that had been left undone, she added a few things from her own life that had been neglected. She would use her own situation to add a touch of reality to the role-play.

Of course, I do not live that close to DC, so I had to drive three hours to see her. This was not entirely unusual for me, as once or twice a year, I had been seeing another disciplinarian who traveled to the area. I left an hour early for the three-hour drive, which turned out to be a good idea, given the traffic around DC. Fortunately, I arrived just in time to meet her at the agreed-upon place. Miss Rachel is even more lovely in person than she is in her photos, and even though I expected to be nervous and was, to a degree, her demeanor was very calming. I was soon put at ease.

Once in her hotel suite, we sat in the living area and briefly discussed my history and the scenario that we planned to play out. I actually brought a prop, a list of incomplete chores that she would punish me for neglecting. I even included some of the real-life issues she had told me about. She, of course, had brought all of the other props we would need to play out the scene, a wide assortment of brushes, paddles, straps, and canes. She asked me if I wanted to take any of them off the table, but I declined, deciding to take my chances.

She then slipped into her role of the angry wife, home from a two-week business trip and facing a series of incomplete chores, including fallen branches, untrimmed trees, long-delayed plumbing repairs, and even outdoor Christmas lights that had remained up until July. She lectured and berated me for a time, asking why I was putting off repairs that were more than just an inconvenience. I looked at her wrong, and she slapped my face. She was tapping into her own frustrations to fuel her performance. I was just throwing out pathetic excuses and more insincere promises to begin the work immediately, but she wasn’t having it. I would have to pay for my laziness and inconsiderate actions.

She pulled me closer and unbuckled my belt, pushed my pants down, and ordered me to bend over the pillow at the end of the bed. She would start with a cold caning, using two of the four canes she had brought. She pulled my pants the rest of the way off and then peeled down my boxer briefs. She gave me 6 strokes with the first cane and 6 with the second, building intensity as I counted each stroke. She definitely pushed against my pain tolerance by the time I counted to 12.

As we moved on to the next phase of my punishment, I didn’t walk fast enough from one place to the next, so she grabbed me hard by the ear and pulled me around to the side of the bed. She then settled into her position on the bed so I could lay across her lap. Once in position, she proceeded to spank me with her hand and a variety of paddles and brushes. She continued to scold me about my procrastination and laziness, punctuating each statement with the sharp sting and the loud crack of the hard wood against my bare bottom. I continued to offer her lame excuses and sincere promises to work on my chores, but she wasn’t done with my punishment yet and continued to blister my backside. I’m not very vocal about the pain when I am spanked, but I definitely felt every hit, and several of the implements were particularly painful, especially the bath brush.

I don’t know how it happened, but my left arm fell asleep while I was across her lap. I must’ve been lying on it in a weird position. I could barely move it when I first got up. I went to stand in the corner, trying to revive it. It wasn’t actually a corner but a pillar that I stood against. As my arm started to get better, we continued the role-play with more scolding. Since I had confessed to a certain fondness for the strap and other leather items, we moved on to those next. She had me get back into position, bent over the end of the bed, and proceeded to use a variety of straps on my already sore bottom. She gave me ten strokes with each implement, which I counted out. I don’t recall how many straps in total she used, but it was quite a few. She saved the meanest one, which was wide, long, and thick, for the last and gave me twenty that were really hard. The pain of each stroke exploded across my bottom. It was spectacular, but I doubt I could have taken too much more of that. After the strapping, I was back against the pillar, my arm having regained much of its feeling.

Miss Rachel took some pictures of her handiwork and, staying in character, continued to scold me about the incomplete chores. I promised to get right on them, but she still wasn’t convinced of my sincerity, so the spanking wasn’t over just yet. Back into position at the end of the bed, she proceeded to spank me with some slightly larger paddles. Mercifully, she only gave me five swats of each paddle, but there were several of them, and my bottom had already been well-spanked. We were all but done after that. We moved into the other room, still in character, and she had me get back over her lap so that she could apply some soothing aftercare to my sore bottom. It was altogether a great experience.

Miss Rachel is a caring and perceptive disciplinarian. She gets to the bottom of things in more ways than one, getting to know and understand your needs and limitations while delivering as severe and intense an experience as she thinks you can endure. I know that I am not the most expressive and open person, but she worked past that to deliver one of the best spankings (and the best role-playing experience) I had ever received. I am definitely looking forward to another session with her if she happens to come back to the area or if I ever find myself in or near Austin again. It was a spectacular experience. Thank you, Miss Rachel!

Goal/Motivation Punishment

Anyone can spank.  It takes a lot more than that to be a great disciplinarian…. and that’s exactly who Miss Rachel is.
Two years ago, I was struggling to overcome some habits that were really holding me back in my life.  I was over-stressed, unfocused, and had a growing dependence on alcohol.  I wasn’t able to break these habits on my own, and realized that I needed someone to help me by holding me accountable.  By the grace of God, I noticed (during an internet search) that Miss Rachel was visiting Atlanta and was taking appointments.
Reaching out to Miss Rachel turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made.  She took the time to really listen to me, and helped me to develop a set of rules for my behavior that corresponded directly to MY goals.  Not hers, not anyone else’s – rules to help me reach MY goals.  In the time I’ve been working with her, she has had the authority to create and enforce rules for me, and punish as needed, and yet she has been extremely careful to use that authority for my benefit and growth only.  She refuses to let me get away with anything less than doing my best, and somehow because of that, it means SO MUCH to me when I’ve done well that week, and I get to hear how proud she is of me.
For those of us who want to work on specific behaviors we want to improve, and also crave real discipline, I can tell you that working with Miss Rachel is as real as it gets.  She truly does care, she won’t let you get away with making excuses or minimizing your behavior, and she is more than capable of spanking in a way that leaves you feeling properly punished and motivated to do better.
I went to Miss Rachel to find a disciplinarian, but I found that and more.  I have grown SO MUCH because of her, and my life is better for it.  She is a wise and caring mentor, a compassionate encourager, a strict disciplinarian, and a true friend.  Thank you Miss Rachel!

A Female Perspective on a Session with Miss Rachel:


I was so scared to reach out to her. I wrote and erased that email multiple times. Then, I sent it. I’m so glad I did! The person I invited into my home was a stranger for about 18 seconds.

We engaged in a mutual sharing of a deep conversation. I loved that it was mutual. It felt less sterile. It felt real. I felt like I knew her for years. I felt like I was speaking with an older sister or mentor. I felt a level of comfort that I have never felt before because for the first time in my life, I was able to talk about something that I have never before been able to talk about—spanking. That alone, was freeing. That alone, provided room for healing. I suddenly felt less alone. I felt as though I was sitting in front of a mentor who understood what I cannot understand. A person who was seeing more than I can see. A person who offered me a glance into a life of honesty and truth.

As I was guided into position, clips of my childhood flicked through my mind. I saw the kid who was sneaking glances at “the ‘s’ word” in the dictionary. I saw the teenager who was trying to egg her teacher on in an effort to get some direction. I saw moments that I had begged for discipline, rules, and stricter guidance. As I was pulled over her lap, and as things slowly began, I realized that this would be a great time to think about those things. WHACK! Wait. WHACK! Woah. WHACK WHACK! Or not, maybe no thinking? WHACK! Let’s go with the no thinking. No thinking sounds *OUCH* good.

And then, like a dentist asking me questions while his hands are deeply embedded in my mouth, Miss Rachel starts QUIZZING me. I’m being peppered with questions and responses as quickly as I am being peppered with the increasingly stingy spanks. She is lecturing me. She is teaching me. The lessons she was teaching made even more of an impact than that solid hand of hers.

I realized in that moment that I needed to shut off the part of my brain that tries to make sense of things—that part that tries to reason absolutely everything, and I needed to just be. Just be present. Just be alive. Just be still. Just be.

Next, I was across the edge of the bed. 10. TEN! That’s not a lot of numbers, right? Counting to 10 has always been painless. It’s quick. It’s easy. How naive. How beautifully naive. Ten is now my least favorite number. “Four” sounds much better, doesn’t it, Miss Rachel? But ten it was, and then ten more with a different implement, and a final ten with another.

I REALLY should not have made a tongue-in-cheek comment when I was in that position on the bed. It resulted in silence and an awful moment of nothing. I slowly turned my head, and I saw “the face.” OMG. That face! It was as if the traditional “mom look” had collided with Judge Judy on her worst day. That face said more than any words ever could. I corrected myself and positioning very swiftly and the slow and deliberate rain fire continued. I would maintain all that I could, to avoid that face again.

The lecturing and her handiwork sucked, but both of these made sense of things *for* me. There was no reasoning. There was just truth. And I could suddenly see it. I could certainly feel it.

Miss Rachel was more attentive to my physical needs than I could have been. She so expertly knew the exact moment my body had had enough. If it had been up to me, I would have continued to try to power through. But she knew it wasn’t about that. It wasn’t about showing how much I can take. It was about making an impression. Making smart choices. Making changes. Making connections. Instituting discipline. It was about stopping when it was time. I realized in that moment, that I can’t always look out for my best interest because I can’t always see my best interest. In those moments, she could. Miss Rachel had my back when I didn’t. The impression she made in that moment solidified to me what she was lecturing me about. It began to make sense. I’ve spent two years trying to make sense of this situation and she showed it to me in under two hours.

Afterwards, I gingerly sat and we talked. The conversation continued as it had left off. I felt an immediate relief. Soon, I felt charged, happy, content, and at peace. I felt warmth—emotionally and a whole lot of physical warmth where she had been working her implements. I felt seen, heard, cared for, and most importantly, I felt something I had never truly felt before. I felt absolute respect for this authority figure/mentor/friend who had walked into my life only an hour and a half before. I have respected many people before, but never like this. Miss Rachel had given me something no one else had—sincere guidance and a firm hand. I had been searching for that for so many years. That sincere guidance and a firm hand. A hand forged in the fires of iron and concrete, and somehow attached to the sweetest person out there.

After my time with Miss Rachel yesterday, I now recognize that I have no reason to feel guilt and shame for this part of me. I still have things to learn and work through in regards to it. I now know who to invite over who can help with some of that.

Miss Rachel, thank you for helping me and thank you for the warm hug at the end. In that moment, I didn’t feel so alone in this. You certainly left your mark. I can feel it as I sit to type this. I hope to see you again.

For the people out there, like me, who are reading this and wondering if you should try a session with Miss Rachel, I encourage you to reach out to her. Just start with one email. Feel her warmth there. When you meet her, it’s discrete. It’s comfortable. It’s safe. She will respect your hard boundaries. For the other women out there, don’t look for this type of guidance in unsafe places. Not everyone has your best interest at heart like Miss Rachel. She’s a professional and highly educated in mental health. She’s done this work for years. She knows her stuff. We spend so much of our lives living the way we think we are supposed to live it. If this is a therapeutic approach that you think might work for you, give it a try! One of the most important things in our lives is to surround ourselves with good people—with people who can help us along the muddied journey through this life. Find mentors and friends who are compassionate and loving guides, who aren’t afraid to hold you to your highest selves. Reach out to Miss Rachel. There’s enough bad in this world. Add more good to it. Let her help you find your way.

-C Atlanta, GA

I have been spanked by several professional disciplinarians, including  Miss Rachel on numerous occasions. I don’t have a bad word to say about any of them but Miss Rachel is at the top of a short but impressive list.

Not only is she technically talented (do NOT underestimate those petite hands!), but she provides an incredibly nurturing and safe space to play in. She can be strict teacher, angry principal, stern aunt, frustrated boss. She’s done all these with me and is amazing at the nuances, you will be drawn into any role play with her and believe in everything you’re doing.

I also strongly recommend her general approach, the positivity of it. I don’t know how she can make me squirm and yelp while at the same time make me feel like the most loved, appreciated, worthwhile person on the planet. She may embarrass you (corner time, scolding etc) but she won’t ever humiliate you or make you feel like a lesser person, always the total opposite.

Whether you’re new to being spanked or a seasoned pro, I strongly recommend Miss Rachel services. Since meeting her, I’ve not gone anywhere else and won’t be needing to because she really is the best.

~M.P., Austin, TX

Miss Rachel,

Just wanted to say THANK YOU!!  Today was better than I ever dreamed. You made me so comfortable and for the first time I could display that part of me, it was amazing. The spanking is on repeat in my head, I can’t wait to see you again!

~M.C., Houston, TX


~J.E., Austin, TX

I’ve considered myself a lifelong spanko who nonetheless didn’t consider seeing a professional until my late 20’s. Therefore I was rather nervous and had little idea of what to expect aside from some online research when I (somewhat impulsively) called up Miss Rachel to set up my first ever spanking session. I was in a pretty rough spot in my life and needed some caring but firm external guidance to get me on track, so my hope was that she would be the right person to set me straight.

Boy, was she ever.

Before the session we sat down and discussed the lifestyle changes that I wanted to make as she listened in a calm, friendly, but determined manner. When the session started she warmed me up with her hand (don’t underestimate how powerful it is, y’all) and scolded me for not being my own expectations. Despite the firmness and determination she showed in telling me that my current behavior wasn’t acceptable, her scolding wasn’t humiliating in any sense and only increased my desire to put in the work to improve my life.

After the warm up, she then laid me on the bed and used various implements from her impressive arsenal to drive her points home on what she expected from me. What was impressive to me was that despite my novice status and me not really knowing my limits yet, she seemingly knew just how much pain I could take to get her message across without pushing me too far. I left the session a chastened but determined man with a brand new plan on how to hold myself accountable both to myself and to her (And a very red butt that my spanko self very much enjoyed afterwards).

We have continued to meet since then and although my personal progress did have some stops and starts, she always drove me further towards building my confidence and meeting my personal goals. A year later I feel much more confident, organized, and happy with the improvements I’ve made in my own life, and I feel confident in saying I couldn’t have done it without her friendly but firm guidance in holding me accountable for my actions.

Miss Rachel is an amazing person who combines intelligence, competence, a real passion for her job, and a genuine desire to improve the lives of her clients however she can, so long as their own desire to improve is real. She can also be hilarious, down to earth, and fun to talk to (depending on the tone of your session of course).

As a spanko herself she totally understands the mindset of somebody who may be attracted to receiving regular spankings and accountability but wants to use that as a motivator for self improvement rather than anything sexual. Her philosophy of positive reinforcement through punishment is unique and quite empowering and provides a wonderful catharsis and stress release. She’s also extremely versatile and can provide anything from loving but strict accountability to a low stress, conversational spanking to straight up raining hellfire on your poor rear end as she tells you that the spanking is just getting started right as you begin to beg for mercy. I’m still a relative novice on the scene, but I feel confident in saying she’s a natural at her job.

Above all Miss Rachel’s intelligence and compassion really shine through in every session, no matter the context.  She makes note of how her clients react to certain implements and adjusts her sessions accordingly, she quietly monitors your reactions to determine how much you can take, her observant and caring nature gives her the ability to get right inside your head and scold/punish you accordingly, and if you really need a harsh and severe punishment for catharsis, motivation, what have you — trust me, she’s more than capable of that too. Just try taking some of her cricket bat-sized paddle if you doubt her ability to inflict some serious damage. But no matter how painful it gets or how strict she can be–just trust me when I say she can give you a look that will make your blood run cold and evaporate any thoughts of defiance you might have in a microsecond–she’ll always give you necessary aftercare and remind you that this is done out of a real desire to make you a better person. I have to echo the other reviews that say that despite her being a professional, I have absolutely felt safe being emotionally vulnerable and trusting her completely.

I don’t think I could’ve picked a better person to begin my discipline and spanking journey with.

~O.K.S., Austin, TX

I just wanted to thank you again for the experience you were able to provide me. My bottom is still sore, especially whenever I go to sit down. The punishment has definitely made it easier for me to focus on what I need to do in those areas of my life that we discussed. It also seems like the spanking had some sort of therapeutic effect. I mean, I expected to feel some of the weight of the guilt I was carrying to be lifted, and it was. But I have also just been in a much better mood in general since Sunday. I didn’t expect a spanking to have that sort of long term effect on my mood….

I know I essentially hired you to provide a service, but I don’t think I’ve ever felt so safe while being so vulnerable with someone I had just barely met. I felt like there was a lot of trust cultivated Sunday afternoon. I guess even though I elected to have the ‘One time strict punishment’ as opposed to your lifestyle coaching approach I’ve still kind of come to see you as a mentor or guide of sorts; My disciplinarian. You truly are great at what you do Miss Rachel, and I really appreciate that. I am absolutely sure I will be back over your lap at some point when I know I need it.

~C.T. Austin, TX

I recently had the pleasure of going over Miss. Rachel’s lap and I highly recommend her services.  I am a female new to being active on the scene and I had have always had the desire to be spanked.  I had thought about going through spanking parties and just randomly meeting people online for this.  In the end I felt I wasn’t ready for the party scene and meeting a random online person with no background information just wasn’t a safe idea.  I happily came across Ms. Rachel’s page and liked her thoughts on spanking and the emotional need for it that some of us have.  I was nervous but I took the plunge and met with her, and let me tell you I am so glad I did.  It was everything I wanted in a session,  she was kind but firm and listened to what I was looking for in a session.  I was really nervous but she put me at ease very quickly.  She gave me a fantastic warm up with her hand and had a variety of implements to try on me.  I had lasting effects for days and it was wonderful.  If you are curious about being spanked I encourage you to book an appointment.  You will not regret it.

~J.L. Austin, TX

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Miss Rachel for the first time and the experience far exceeded expectations. Having visited many Professional Disciplinarians over the years, Miss Rachel was a pleasant change as she invested the time (through e-mail and phone calls) to understand my spanking needs and to incorporate them into our session. This helped fuel an amazing session.

As elegant as she is beautiful, Miss Rachel quickly put me at ease and provided a session that was both a great emotional release as well as all of the physical sensations of a very painful spanking. She is very skilled with role play and her passion in doing so had me convinced that I was once again over my Aunt’s knee again, learning a painful lesson. Miss Rachel clearly understands all of the associated dynamics of a spanking and pays attention in doing so.

I am looking forward to many future sessions with Miss Rachel and to experiencing her unique approach and discipline. She is a must visit if you are a pure spanko like me!

~Mike- Arizona

I’m a mature male.
I have had a weakness for pornography since adolescence, but it did not become a problem till early 2017. I was spending more and more time on it. It was so easy to say, “Just one more video or page of pictures of chapter of a book.” Then I would again want one more, until I had wasted over an hour. I had repeatedly tried will power, but could not break the habit. My performance at work and my housekeeping at home were suffering.
I had responded well to spanking in the past. I went to a very good counselor. She said it would be unethical for her to spank me. She said that if I wanted a spanking, I should ask a personal friend. I did not have a personal friend with whom I would be comfortable confessing pornography and asking for a spanking. The counselor offered some insights, but not much in the way of practical methods to break the bad habit.
In summer of 2017 I looked for “spanking disciplinarians” on Google and Bing. I found this website. I was impressed that Miss Rachel has formal education in mental health and therapy, a Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice, and a Masters degree in Social Work. She introduced her website with “I offer life coaching with a spanko twist.” The website was professional and dignified. Her pictures showed her dressed attractively and professionally: no black leather and no whips.
I emailed her and made an appointment. She met me in the lobby of the hotel where I was staying. She was quite pretty, wearing a tasteful pastel dress. We went to my room. Miss Rachel assured me she follows the same confidentiality ethics as other counselors. We sat down, and I explained my problem with pornography, and how it was wasting so much of my time. She said that there is nothing immoral about pornography, but that if it was interfering with other important activities, then that was indeed a problem. We talked about ways to limit the time spent on pornography. I suggested that I might limit pornography to time I was already doing another task, like preparing food, folding clothes, or shaving. She agreed that would be a good idea. She said that spanking would be a good reinforcement to help me stick with that resolution.
After we had talked about 15 minutes, and I had told her what I thought I needed to tell her. I asked, “Is it time for me to undress and get ready for the spanking?” She said simply, “Yes.”
She sat on the bed and directed me to lie down on the bed over her lap. As soon as I was in position, she started spanking. She used only her hand, but that was quite effective. She landed each spank solidly, and made it really sting.
She would spank for a few minutes, and then pause and ask me how I planned to control my bad habit. I would repeat that I planned to use pornography only when doing something else. She would agree that this would be a good idea, and then she would resume spanking.
At first I tried to count the spanks, but I could not keep it up. The spanks stung so much that it took all my presence of mind just to hold still and stay in position. After what I think wad approximately 250 spanks, she asked me again about my plans to control the habit. I told her again. She said, “That’s good. I’m going to give you 50 more.” Those last 50 were slow, deliberate, and forceful.
Of course the spanking was embarrassing, but not humiliating. Miss Rachel never tried to humiliate me in any way, never told me I was bad. Her approach was that I was a good person, that I was capable of behaving better, and that she would try to help me behave better.
When she had finished, she told me to look at myself in the mirror. My entire bottom was bright pink.
As I got dressed, she told me to feel free to contact her if I relapsed, or if I thought I needed a maintenance spanking to keep me in line.
I walked her out to her car. I thanked her for helping me. She hugged me and wished me well.
The spanking left a strong mental impression, but no physical damage. The pain was gone in less than an hour, leaving me with only a hot prickly feeling the rest of the day. There were no bruises or soreness. The skin redness took 3 days to completely fade.
Since my session with Miss Rachel, my behavior has definitely improved. The effect has lasted over a year now. I have not eliminated pornography completely. That would have been an unrealistic expectation. But it is taking only 10 to 20% as much of my time as it did before my session with Miss Rachel. Why do I think it worked?
1. I don’t want to repeat the embarrassment of confessing wasting time on pornography.
2. I don’t want to repeat the embarrassment lying down with my bare behind sticking up to be punished.
3. I don’t want to repeat the sheer physical pain of the spanking.
4. Most importantly, after Miss Rachel put all that effort into me, I owe it to her to put my effort into doing my best to behave. For me to do any less would be to disrespect her. If I relapse and have to go back to her, I want to be able to say honestly that I tried the best I could.

I was truly impressed with Miss Rachel, and would recommend her highly. She is not just another professional spanker. She is a trained professional counselor who uses spanking as one of the methods to help her clients.

So of you are feeling guilty about something you did, or trying to control a bad habit, and you have already tried the will power and the self-help books, I would recommend you contact Miss Rachel.
